The authors of the AUSTAL2000 claim that a linear combination of two wind fields results in a valid wind field again. They do not know that wind fields are described by nonlinear differential equations of the second degree, which prohibits any linear combination.
AUSTAL2000 is not validated
The second law of thermodynamics and the law of conservation of mass are violated. Homogeneity tests are trivial solutions. The authors of the AUSTAL2000 state that they have validated their algorithm with a 3D wind field; in fact, they use the rigid rotation of a solid in the plane. One would also like to have recalculated three-dimensional Berljand profiles. In reality, only two-dimensional integral values are compared. Error deviations are smoothed out. Consistency, convergence and stability are not proven, which is why it is also observed that different solutions do not converge. In this case, the calculations should be aborted and repeated with varied model parameters. Because dust particles cannot "see", they want to penetrate solid house walls. The authors of the AUSTAL2000 disguise their sloppy programming style. The author of this homepage studies reports and publications by the authors of the AUSTAL2000. There is no closed description of the theoretical basics, tasks, solution procedures and presentations of results. The readers have to assemble the theoretical basics individually from at least seven reports. The suspicion can rightly be expressed here that the intention is to mislead the public. It is believed that with this confusion it will not be possible to subject your algorithms to an in-depth examination.